Joleon Lescott knows City need one more stellar performance to make the dreams of thousands of Blues – and his own – come true.

The England defender has had the best season of his career and has become a firm favourite with the supporters who have tagged him as something of an unsung hero.

Now he knows that three more points will guarantee a first title for the Blues since 1968.

“You dream of those moments, but we haven’t won a thing yet and we need everyone to keep their feet on the ground” he said.

“It will be incredible if we win the title but we still have one more huge game to play against QPR. If we can win that, it would be unreal.”

Lescott says he and his team-mates knew it was always going to be a big ask to make up an eight-point gap on United, but remain determined to complete their target of winning the final six games – something the team and manager set themselves after the demoralising 1-0 loss to Arsenal.

“It was out of our hands, but it was a case that if they slipped up we had to capitalise,” he said. “It would have been crazy to have given it up after we lost at the Emirates and there was never any chance of that happening.

“At this level of our careers we are not going to just give up when we get close to something like this.

The lads I play with have a never-say-die attitude and it is there for all to see

...Joleon Lescott


“We’ve been together all season and listened to everyone’s opinion. We know how close we are as a unit and it has been great to be a part of that.

“It’s still not over yet, though. There are the lads in our squad who have won big things and they won’t get carried away.

“I’d say to the fans, keep a lid on it this week and let’s not get carried away. If it happens next week, they can celebrate then. We all will.”