Betsy Hassett is delighted to have been reunited with Manchester City Women's latest signing, Emma Kete.

The New Zealand international is thrilled the Blues have captured the signature of her friend and compatriot and is eager to link up with the striker on the pitch once again.

“It’s amazing to have another Kiwi on the team!” she smiled. “I think it proves to the rest of the world that women’s football is really on the up in New Zealand and it’s always easier when you have someone from the same country with you.

“Emma’s really excited because although she’s played in England before and became used to the environment, she didn’t really get much of a chance. She just wants to get on the field and play.

“We’ve played together on the national team for four or five years so I know her pretty well and I think that’ll really benefit the team.”

Hassett, who is now a first-team regular for Nick Cushing’s side, admits she found it a little tough to adapt to life in England at first but now hopes she can help her new teammates, Kete and Kathleen Radtke, to settle in.

“It was quite difficult for me at the start as I didn’t know anyone but it’s getting better and better,” she asserted. “The more games I play, the more comfortable I become and the easier it gets.

“Now we’ve signed two more international players, it can only improve team dynamic and we’ll be able to share the same experiences. It’s very exciting.”

The 23-year-old has no regrets about joining City and hopes she will be offered the chance to extend her contract, as she is nearing the end of her current one.

“I definitely feel I’ve made the right choice,” she declared. “I love it here. The training is awesome and I love Manchester.


“I’m hoping to stay for another season as I’m only on a year-long contract at the moment so we’ll see how it goes.”

With the Blues into the semi-finals of the Continental Cup, Hassett is hoping her side can pick up some silverware in their debut season in the top-flight and, despite the loss at Chelsea on Sunday, believes securing the league championship is still a possibility.

“In terms of our hopes for the rest of the season, we’re aiming to win the Continental Cup,” she stated. “That would be fantastic.

“As for the league, we’re going to take each game at a time. If we can continue to improve and make our way up the table, we should have a good chance of at least competing for the title.”