City Women goalkeeper and die-hard Blue Andie Worrall took her place in the stands at Wembley on Sunday. Here's her outlook of how the day panned out...

It was strange going to Wembley to watch City in the middle of our pre-season. Obviously, I’m on a strict diet at the moment so it was a bit weird being completely sober at such a big match! Those are the sacrifices you have to make though.

To be honest, it wasn’t the best start to the day – my lift was late because he went to pick up my mate Chris first who was still in bed! We were supposed to leave at 07:00 but we couldn’t set off until he was ready so we were a bit delayed.

The journey down wasn’t too bad though and like we always do, we stopped at this train station which is about five stations away from Wembley. I was in for a surprise though...

I was in the toilets and I heard this announcement, telling people not to get on the next train as it was for Club Wembley tickets only. That didn’t stop my mates though. They got on the train and I had to go after them!

Everyone was dressed up to the nines and we looked so out-of-place. We knew we shouldn’t have been on there but no-one asked us for our tickets so we managed to get an express train to Wembley. Result!

When we got there, we of course went to the Green Man. I met my friend Mike there, who had come all the way from Florida to watch the game and then we went down to a curry house where all my other mates were. It was a bit confusing because there were three Miikas, two Michaels and three Meekas in my group!


After the curry, we headed over to the stadium. Believe me, I never ever get tired of going to Wembley. The feeling is always the same for me - I was so thrilled to be there.

That lasted until ten minutes in when they scored. At that moment, I honestly thought we were in for another typical 1-0 defeat to Sunderland! I was wondering as well whether it would have a psychological effect on our players, knowing we hadn’t scored against them in the last four times we’ve travelled to their place.

As a player, it’s different to watching the game than it is as a fan. I find myself thinking things like that and shouting things that I’d be shouting on the pitch. My mates always tease me about it but it can’t help it!

It wasn’t a great first-half to say the least and at half-time, I was whinging and moaning that we weren’t going to score in a million years! O ye of little faith...

When we scored I went absolutely mad but at the same time, I felt awful because I’d sent Mike to get me a drink and he ended up missing both goals! He’d come all that way and missed two of the best goals you’ll ever see at Wembley!

Plus, because he’d gone to get coffee, the row was completely empty to my right because there had been a Sunderland fan sat there but he’d been thrown out for celebrating their goal.

So when we scored, I just ended up running up and down the row by myself! And I did exactly the same thing a minute later before my mates all started jumping on me.

...Andie Worrall


To be honest, when Yaya scored, I wondered what he was doing. From where I was sat, it looked like a cross and it’s only since I’ve watched it back that I’ve realised he definitely meant it. He looked up and just casually smashed it into the top corner. It defied logic.

I was talking to Karen Bardsley about it after the game and we were saying that no-one else could do that from there if they tried. No goalkeeper would have saved it. It was just perfectly placed. Nasri’s goal was a cracker too.

Then, we got the third and the rest is history! We lifted another cup and the celebrations began. I know I’ve said it before but it really never does get old. I know a few people think the League Cup is menial in comparison to the others but for me, a cup is a cup and I’ll take any trophy.

We need to build up a winning mentality – that’s what makes the players hungry for more success. I know the Champions League is a bit on the edge at the minute (although anything can happen with this team!) but I think we’ve got a good chance of winning the league and FA Cup. What a season that would be...

So, it was another great day at Wembley. I was able to see loads of mates that I hadn’t seen for a while and of course, City won so it couldn’t get much better than that!