Manchester City Women's Danielle Lea has revealed she is targeting September for a return to action.

The youngster, who ruptured her anterior cruciate ligament at training back in February, is yet to play for the Blues this season but is remaining positive, despite the lengthy lay-off.

“My recovery is going well at the minute,” she declared. “I’m not allowed to run yet but hopefully, I should be able to soon.

“I’ve been doing a lot of gym work and I can use the cross-trainer, the rower and the bike. I have a program to do, which includes squats and things like that.

“I’m aiming to be back for September but it all depends on whether or not there are any set-backs.”

Lea also expressed her gratitude to the staff and the rest of the team for their encouragement - particularly captain Steph Houghton who has been through a similar experience in the past. 


“Everyone’s been really supportive and I’m always involved in things,” Lea stated. “The girls always ask how I am and that makes things a lot easier.

“Steph has been through the same thing and she always says if I ever need anything, to just go and speak to her. She even offered to do my program with me if I get bored which is great.”

MCWFC’s Lead Physiotherapist Helen Vaughan has been working closely with Lea to aid her recovery and is pleased with the defender’s progress.

“Danielle’s doing well,” she confirmed. “Obviously, ACL recovery is a long process but we went to see the consultant a few weeks ago and he said everything had gone well with the operation so that was good news.

At the moment, we’re taking things one step at a time because with that type of injury, you can’t overload the knee too soon.

“You have to respect the healing of it, making sure the muscles are strong enough to be able to support.

“Some of the things we’re working on are preventative to ensure the knee is in a better condition than it was before. It’s a tough time for any athlete because it’s a long haul but Danielle is doing fine.

“We can’t rule out a return for the back end of this season but if not then, definitely the start of next season.”