Manchester City Women have received a double boost as England stars Jill Scott and Karen Bardsley have signed new contracts.

The pair, who helped the Lionesses to a bronze medal finish in the World Cup in Canada, have committed their immediate futures to Nick Cushing’s side, putting pen to paper on new deals which keep them at the Academy Stadium until the end of the 2017 season.

Since their return, both players have played key roles in their Club’s impressive run of six successive wins, and both expressed their delight at extending their stays in Manchester.

Speaking to, Scott declared: “It’s fantastic. I’m really pleased. When I signed here, I signed for two years so I’m delighted to get that extension of another two.

“I realise I’m not getting any younger - there are a lot of fantastic young players coming through at City and at other clubs - so I’m also a bit relieved.

“I’ve enjoyed every minute of my time here. When I first signed, there was a lot promised to us in terms of facilities and full-time training, and the move has exceeded its expectations in a lot of cases in terms of nutritional help, physio help, sports science and the coaches.

Jill Scott and Mark Allen

“It’s all on another level for me and I feel I’ve really improved as a player since I’ve been here. Hopefully, I will keep on making those improvements over the next two years.”

Bardsley echoed the midfielder’s sentiments, stating: “I’m really excited. It’s the icing of the cake after an amazing summer with England.

“It was an absolute joy to be part of the World Cup squad and to be part of a team that really came together and bring home a bronze medal. We’re all very proud of what we’ve achieved and of the impact we’ve made. Now, our aim is to win some silverware with City.

“It says a lot about a Club when you feel your time there has gone really quickly - and I feel like these past two years have absolutely flown by.

“I’m honoured to have been approached to stay for another two and I think there are a lot of amazing things to look forward to. 

KB and Mark Allen

Winning the Continental Cup last year was a massive stepping stone and we have a massive opportunity ahead of us to do some big things.

“Signing a new deal was a no-brainer really. Everything I was promised has happened and I think we’ve made a lot of great strides in raising the bar across the table when it comes to progressing women’s football and changing the perception of it.

“Hopefully, the strides City have made will inspire other clubs to step up to the plate.”

Reflecting on the Blues’ recent upturn in results, both Scott and Bardsley were quick to pay tribute to their teammates.

Scott explained: “While we were away at the World Cup, the girls that stayed here were working so hard.

“I know a lot of the focus has been about the five of us that went to Canada but the rest of the team pretty much had another pre-season. I hope that doesn’t go unnoticed now the results are coming for us in this second part of the season.

“Winning games is of course the aim but we’re also really enjoying playing and I’m really pleased to be part of a squad that gets the ball down, plays football and looks to score goals. I’m really excited about perfecting the system and to see where this club can go in terms of that.

“The past few games have gone well. We’ve got Sunderland away on Saturday which is going to be a really tough game but we’re aiming for that seventh win in a row.

“It’s an exciting time to be a City player and I’m delighted to be here with the girls for another two years.”