Wales forward Natasha Harding admits she's been receiving some stick on Twitter for supporting England in the World Cup - but she doesn't care.

The 26-year-old isn’t quite planning on hanging up a St George’s flag outside her house, but she’s delighted to see the Lionesses - five of which are City teammates - doing so well.

We caught up with the winger to find out how she’s enjoying the tournament so far, what she thought of Lucy Bronze’s worldie and how she thinks the Lionesses will fare against Canada. Here is her verdict...

I just cheered England ... I've changed 😳😂 come on girls #ENG

— Natasha harding (@tashharding09) June 13, 2015

 I’m loving the games I’ve seen so far. Some are too late to watch but when I can watch the games, I do. I think Germany will go all the way because I think they have the winning formula.

I’m getting a bit of stick on Twitter for supporting England from the Welsh fans - but I would love for them to go far because my teammates and good friends play for them, and they are doing really well at the minute.

It was a superb result for them last night. England had their backs to the wall for a lot of the first half - I think the girls would tell you that themselves.

Before the game, the pressure was on Norway. They didn’t exactly buckle under it but England relished it and took the chances when they came.

While I was watching the game, I felt that although Norway had all the chances, England would make the most of any that they got - and they did.


The City girls were on form and it was excellent to see. We are all very proud.

It was some goal that won it and it was incredible for Lucy. She’s been fantastic in this tournament.

I text her this morning, joking that it came off her shinpad! Seriously though, she deserves it.

She’s one of the best players I’ve played with and she would be the first name on my teamsheet. She makes my job a lot easier than what it should be - and it’s the same with Steph. Hers was a great header too.

All five City players played their part. I don’t think people give Toni enough credit for what she does - she works tirelessly.

Jill made a difference when she came on, Steph led fantastically from the back and KB did well too - it could easily have been 2-0 going into half-time.

After the break, England produced something special and I’m delighted the City girls are receiving the recognition they deserve.

Houghton celebration

Of course, it’s Canada next and that will be a fantastic occasion for them, with the crowd and the media - it will be one of the reasons they wanted to play football in the first place.

Again, they will be going into this game as underdogs with people expecting them to lose - but all the pressure is on Canada and I think England will relish that like they did against Norway.

Even if they do go out - which I hope they don’t - they can look back on the fact they’ve made history by winning their first ever knock-out game and they’ve got great foundations they can build on and move forward with. They have great talent coming through as always as well.

To have five City players representing their country in the World Cup, making history, is brilliant for the club and for women’s football in general.

Hopefully, we’ll have even more players out there in the next World Cup. It’s amazing to see and it’s good that we are able to support the girls while they’re out there.

Here’s hoping they’ll be able to stay out there and not have to come home early!