CityTV presenter Kelly O'Donnell learns how to be a midfielder from Jill Scott and Izzy Christiansen

If you’ve been following my journey so far, you will know that I have tried to master goalkeeping, tried to fit into City Women’s back four, and also been following the players’ strict workout regimes in the gym. Let’s just say those have been with varying degrees of success!

In preparation for my midfield session, I had already undergone a fitness test back at CFA. You can see what happened in the video, but it definitely gave me a taste of what to expect. I did use to think I was fairly fit, but twenty minutes with a beep test is enough to shatter anyone’s illusions.

But the pain didn’t stop there. Out in Abu Dhabi I was lucky enough to be coached by Izzy Christiansen and Jill Scott. Being two England internationals, they didn’t go easy on me!

I don’t want to give too much away before you have seen it, but in this episode I really understood what being a midfielder means. It takes huge amount of skill it is an absolute slog. On average, a midfielder runs around 8 miles per game. I repeat: 8 miles in 90 minutes. Unbelievable!

Do you reckon I’ll be able to keep up? You’ll have to watch to find out…