Today marks 20 years since City's return to the Premier League with *that* special 4-1 win at Ewood Park.

We asked for your memories of the day and we were inundated with tweets, pictures and terrific tales! Kicking off with our very own Club Journalist David Clayton’s story, here they are!

“Getting a ticket for Ewood Park was like finding hen’s teeth. If you didn’t have enough season-ticket points, the chances of getting hold of a ticket in the Darwen End – which houses approximately 8,000 fans – were slim to none.

“With respect to Blackburn who were averaging around 19,000, we knew there would be as many as 5,000 seats likely to be available around the ground. I was lucky in that my wife’s aunt was from Blackburn and her dad was a season-ticket holder.

“He promised to get me a ticket sat with him and his friends in the old Riverside Stand and so I travelled down with about eight friends in two cars, parking about a mile away from the ground.

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“It was a baking hot day and there were thousands of City fans everywhere, with everyone in a party mood – yet still incredibly pessimistic about what would happen!

“It was clear that thousands of other City fans were dotted around the ground and it’s probably fair to estimate there were anywhere between 12 and 15,000 City fans inside Ewood that day.

“Many, like me, initially kept their cover as the teams came out and though the people sat around me knew I was a Blue, everyone was good natured and happy enough if City got the point needed to go up.

“When Shaun Goater equalised, pockets of Blues everywhere leapt to their feet, as did I, offering a quick apology to those immediately around me as the relief poured out around Ewood Park. The home support – by and large – accepted it was futile arguing with the City fans sat (now stood) around them and took it on the chin.

CITY+ WATCH TOGETHER | Blackburn 1-4 City: Sat 9 May 2020

“As each goal went in thereafter, so the celebrations became freer and at a conga started at the bottom of the Riverside Stand.

“It was the proverbial carnival atmosphere and I made my down to the bottom left of the stand near the Darwen End where most City fans were now congregating. I called my brother just as Paul Dickov sealed the win and not long after, the final whistle went.

“As Rovers fans poured out of the ground, the thousands of City fans who had not made it in poured in.

“It was bizarre – there were actually more coming in than going out and on the final whistle everyone headed on to the pitch in a celebratory invasion, fuelled by relief and joy that we were finally back in the Premier League.

“It was an unforgettable day to be a Blue.”