We recently had a chat with Joao Cancelo to see how he's getting on during lockdown. Get ready for Netflix chat and a discussion about his training routine...

Hello Joao!

Obviously you’re away from the CFA at the moment, which isn’t easy for anyone in the squad. We know that the club is in touch with you for a training schedule. But what does this involve exactly? How many hours do you dedicate to your training daily?

During the day, I do one-and-a-half hours, sometimes two. I try to do my best in terms of physical and technical aspects. And I’m trying to maintain my physical conditions as best I can so I can be ready when football returns. 

Do you feel fit?

Yes, I feel fit. The training sessions I do during the day make sure of that!

What advice have you received from the technical staff about how to eat properly now that you’re not at the CFA?

I haven’t received special advice, I already have a daily balanced and healthy diet, which I’ll continue now we’re at home.

Which has been your best meal during this period of quarantine outside the CFA?

There were no special meals, because in Portugal we have plenty of good dishes! Portuguese cuisine is very good in general and I have the privilege of tasting many of them!

Obviously this is a terrible situation for everyone. But do you feel that there are any positives or new ways of thinking that could emerge? 

Yes, obviously this is a terrible condition for everyone, but I think that we can take some positive aspects.

One of them is to be close to your family and appreciating the small things in life.

Another is realising we’re all the same, there are no rich and poor. A virus can change the course of everything; and it also raises our civility. 

A simple virus can change the course of life.

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Do you miss being close to your teammates? Who you miss the most?

Yes, I really miss being close to my teammates, we usually spend most of our time together. It’s like a second family. Of course, I miss them.

The person I miss the most...I don’t want to point only to one, but maybe Eric... Bernardo as well... Gabriel... the ones that I spend most of my time with.

Have you been in contact with Bernardo through WhatsApp? If so, how is he?

Yes, during this period I have been in touch with Bernardo. We have been talking about many things. And, of course, about this situation, that is very critical, not only in England but in the whole world.

Of course, Bernardo is a friend from my time in Benfica and we kept in touch. He’s fine and, like me, is preparing the best he can to be ready for when football returns.

Have you been watching something on TV or Netflix that you would recommend?

Yes, on Netflix I would recommend Prison Break, La Casa de Papel, Vis a Vis and Shooter.

Do you have a message for the City fans?

The message I have for City fans is for them to keep safe. Not only you but your families as well. When everything is better, we’ll return to the Etihad to give much joy to the club.