Zack Steffen and Janine Beckie are standing together in support of charity foundation VoyceNow.

Founded by Steffen and his former teammate Alex Crognale, VoyceNow is a global community of athletes and fans fighting for equality and justice.

More than 100 athletes (within 20 leagues and 13 countries) are involved, using their social media platforms to ignite positive change.

United States star Steffen and Canada international Beckie headed into Manchester in support of the Foundation’s Equality for Blacks movement.

The pair sported the Foundation’s ‘= Black’ symbol, showing their solidarity for the Black community.

Speaking about his charity work, Steffen expressed his passion for standing up for equality and helping those less fortunate.

“VoyceNow is a Foundation I created with my partner Alex Crognale, who is a good friend and teammate,” he explained.

“It’s a group of around 100 athletes of all different sports who invest with us and want to help give back to their communities.

“We work really hard to create a good life for ourselves and it’s about using our platforms for good.

“We use our social media platforms for mostly our careers and personal gain. What we want to do is give back to the communities who supported us to get where we are.

“I think it comes from my family. My mom raised us to be kind and lend a helping hand when you can.


“That was instilled from the start. Family for me is the most important thing.

“That comes from a good community. I’ve been fortunate to have good coaching and support for my 25 years of life.

“I want to help give back and give people who don’t have that type of support some help. It’s about giving back to the community, helping those less fortunate than we are.

“We have a lot of different plans we want to do. We started out working with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, helping to fund them with laptops for kids who really needed help with virtual schooling because of COVID-19.

“It’s about giving resources they normally wouldn’t have, using our network of connections and power of our platforms and voices to shed light on those communities who need help.

“Hopefully, by going into those communities, familiarising ourselves with them and creating relationships, we can help them out in a big way.

“Any donations are helpful in any way. All of it goes to helping families and kids in need of food and education.

“You can follow our social media channels and stay tuned - there are a lot of updates coming.

“We really want to use our voices to let our fans know what we’re doing, how we can help and move forward together.”