In our latest edition of Top Tips, Caroline Weir talks us through her new hobbies, snack of choice and TV recommendations...

In our new feature, presented by Gatorade, our women’s team share their advice and recommendations for coping through this uncertain period of the COVID-19 pandemic...

What advice would you give for keeping motivated?

Don’t lose sight of what you had planned - your goals.

If things have been delayed, keep them in mind and keep working towards them. That’s what I do when I’m struggling for motivation.

It’s a crazy situation and there are going to be times when you’re feeling fed up or lacking motivation - and that’s okay.

But it’s important to try and get out of that mindset as soon as possible. Keep going.

Keep track of the things you’ve achieved during the day - even the little things - because they’re still achievements, especially under these circumstances.

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How about keeping fit?

Try and vary it as much as possible by trying new things.

For example, try online yoga one day, running the next, then some basic core exercises.

You’ll probably get bored just doing the same thing so vary it as much as possible. That’s what I like to do.


Any healthy eating tips?

We’ve been making a lot of smoothies - one every day with loads of fruit. Nothing crazy!

I did make a carrot and coriander soup. I’d never made soup in my life!

It was nice, although I nearly did it wrong - I thought you made it in a blender and then heated it up but no, you have to do it in a pan with stock cubes to do it properly!

It turned out okay and I was pleased.

Any advice on how to stay calm and have fun?

I find that for me, it comes in phases - one week, I’m fine and the next, I find it hard - and I think now, people are getting a bit impatient with it all.

But we can’t really do much - you’ve just got to keep going. Keep as busy as possible and keep your mind occupied - read a book, watch something.

Keep chatting to people - make sure you’re checking in with people to stay connected. People are definitely appreciating that now.

I know it’s easier said than done but everyone is in the same boat.

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Do you have any new hobbies?

I’ve got back into reading. I hadn’t read a book properly in ages!

We’ve bought a few activity things too - a table tennis net that can go on any table, boxing gloves and pads... We’ve been doing a bit of that.


What are you watching on Netflix? Any recommendations?

We’ve watched so much, it’s hard to keep track!

We have been watching Ozark. We’re on season three so we’re nearly finished. That’s really good with a good storyline.

I’m not really into that genre usually but it is good - a bit different - and I like the cast.

We’ve also finished the second series of After Life with Ricky Gervais and we also like Keeping Up With the Kardashians!


Do you have a message for the fans, during this difficult period?

We’re really missing you guys - and we’re missing playing for you.

Stay safe and keep going. Hopefully, we’ll see you soon.