Ellen White and Lauren Hemp have been nominated for February’s PFA Bristol Street Motors Women’s Super League Player of the Month award.

The pair, who combined to devastating effect in Thursday’s 5-0 Champions League win over Fiorentina, have been rewarded for an excellent month individually and collectively, having built a fruitful partnership in Gareth Taylor‘s potent attacking trident.


Hemp netted in all three of February’s league triumphs over Arsenal, Manchester United and Birmingham, and chipped in with assists, as City kept apace atop the table with three wins from three.

Meanwhile, White, who netted twice in Italy and has bagged three goals in her last three games, opened the scoring against the Gunners to continue an impressive purple patch.

Both Hemp and White have spoken about their ever-strengthening partnership over the past weeks, with White hailing it ‘a dream’ to play in City’s front three, alongside Hemp as well as Chloe Kelly.

Our City duo are up against the Chelsea trio of Pernille Harder, Fran Kirby and Bethany England and Aileen Whelan of Brighton and Hove Albion.

Good luck to Ellen and Lauren!

Voting closes Monday 15 March 2021 at 08:00 UK time.