Lifelong fan Esme Morgan has spoken of her immense pride at signing a new City contract – and revealed how her Mum wouldn’t support her if she played for anyone else!

Earlier this week, the versatile defender agreed a new deal with the Club that will take her through to the summer of 2025.

Morgan, who made her debut in 2017, had been an ever-present in City’s backline this season prior to being side-lined with a fractured leg.

But with her rehabilitation going well and the boost of a new contract now secured, the 21-year-old has revealed just how much playing for City means both to her… and her Mum!

“I think it’s fair to say I am pretty excited to be here for the next three years,” said the England international.


“Being a City fan, I think that you just have a little bit of extra passion going into the games and desire to play for the fans because you know what it means watching and how stressful it can be, so you want to put the best performance on for them.

“And also, my mum wouldn’t support me if I played for anyone else!

“Throughout my rehab, the Club have shown me great support and given me the best care they could have.

“They have really shown their faith in me that I can come back and be better than ever.

“I am really glad that they have got that trust and belief in me to come back stronger and be able contribute despite the injury.  

“As an individual my primary focus right now is getting back fit and recovering from this injury. And being stronger than before (when I do come back).

“Once I have done that, I want to establish myself and become a regular. I have not won the league in my time at City so that is something I am desperate to do.


“That’s the dream for me... to win trophies and have successes at my childhood club.”

Morgan’s new deal comes hard on the heels of new contract announcements for City and England colleagues Steph Houghton and Lauren Hemp, who is also Esme’s flat mate.

The defender said she was thrilled at the fact close friend Hemp had also committed her long term future to the Club.

And she revealed how much of a vital help to her Hemp and the rest of the City squad had proved to be, both in the immediate aftermath of her injury and subsequent rehabilitation.

“Bless her, at the start (of my injury), Lauren was just like a full-time carer for me,” Morgan admitted.

“I was so immobile; I couldn’t move so she was cooking my dinners and doing everything for me. I was so grateful to her.


“She would be a good carer for someone as she is very selfless in that sense!

“Now, I am a bit more self-sufficient, so she has had a break.

“We get on so well together and I am so excited she is staying too. We want to be successful for City and England. We’re going to help each other to do that.

“(But the support from all my team-mates) has been great. Not just Lauren, everyone in the team has been checking in on me.

“If I’ve had bad days, they have given me words of encouragement to pick me up and keep going.

“A lot of the team have had long term injuries, so it has been really good to draw on their experiences.

“To have their kind words to keep me in good spirits has been really helpful and makes life easier.”