'If we follow the gameplan, we'll get through this together.'

During these testing times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to maintain a routine, keep active and stay connected.

It’s a tough time for everyone but as part of our commitment to keeping our fans close to the Club and helping you through, today we launch our new feature Top Tips, presented by Gatorade, in which our women’s team share their advice and recommendations for coping through this uncertain period.

CITYZENS AT HOME | Fun & educational activities to do at home

Kicking off with Georgia Stanway, we discover how the squad are maintaining their health and fitness, how they’re spending their spare time, any new hobbies they’ve discovered and even what they’re binge-watching on Netflix...


What advice would you give for keeping motivated?

For me personally, to keep motivated, I set a goal. The night before, plan what you’re going to do the morning after.

You’ve got it in your head, so you can’t forget and then once it’s finished, it’s done for the day and you can set it aside.


How are you keeping fit?

We’ve got individual plans. The Club kindly gave us watt bikes and weights and they’re helping massively.

In terms of keeping fit, we run in the morning and then we have a gym session followed by a bike session as well.

They’re split through the day and it’s important to fuel – getting the right nutrition as much as we can.

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Any healthy eating suggestions?

I’m living with my boyfriend Olly Ashall-Bott at the moment. He’s a rugby player so we’re both making sure we get as much protein and carbs as we can.

We love a stir fry – vegetables and meat and of course, you can change the sauce to whatever you want.

We had a big roast dinner too. I think that whatever you’re having, you just need to make sure you’re getting the veg in where you can.

Make sure that during the day, you’re not snacking just because you’re bored. Only eat if you’re hungry and if you are, try having some fruit or a drink first. If you’re still hungry after that, make some kind of healthy snack.

You’re allowed to treat yourself every now and then, especially if you’ve been working or doing exercise.

You deserve a little something and it’s okay to treat yourself as long as it’s part of a balanced diet.


What’s the best meal you’ve cooked?

Linda McCartney does vegan meals and although I’m not vegan, I love the duck pancakes she does. They’re unbelievable and they’re up there with one of my favourite lunches.


Any advice on how to stay calm and have fun?

Try to keep yourself occupied – whether that’s by doing tasks, colouring, sudokus, quizzes…. Keep your brain ticking over.

These are times when you can dwell on things and think negatively but it’s important to surround yourself with people who can support you within your household and don’t forget that there’s always someone at the end of the phone if you need a chat.

We have a group WhatsApp for the team and you can have smaller conversations too. We did a team FaceTime and we got to see everyone which was nice. It’s important to stay connected.



Any new hobbies?

I absolutely love Clash of Clans. I started playing that and I’m in a clan with 15 people now and I’ve got my Town Hall at a good level.

I’ve got a few other girls at it. It’s really good.

I know a few of the team have been reading and watching more TV. I’m not a big TV fan to be honest – usually I potter around and keep busy – but I feel like I’ve watched everything on Netflix!

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What are you watching on Netflix? Any recommendations?

I absolutely love Stranger Things. I’ve watched all three series again!

I’m a little bit disappointed to hear the next season has been delayed because of the situation. I’m looking forward to watching that when it comes out.

I love the characters. You get a good feel of them and of course, Eleven is so cool. I just really like the show. I like that the kids work together and the bond they have as a team – no matter who’s brought in, they always do a job.

I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to Stranger Things… I’ve got the shoes and the hoodie!


Do you have a message for the fans, during this difficult period?

Thank you for the support we’ve had so far this year. Hopefully, we’re not done yet but right now, there are things bigger than football.

It’s important we put the health and safety of everyone first.

We must focus on supporting the NHS and our key workers, who are doing their best.

We respect the work everyone else if doing during this time. We want to be able to give back to them what they’ve done for us. Stay at home and support them.

We’re missing you and missing being together as a group but hopefully, we’ll be back out there to see you soon.

Stay safe everyone!