A memorable afternoon for Manchester Metropolitan University Students, who were surprised by Karen Bardsley with tickets to Sunday's Etihad showdown.

The former City stopper met students who are currently working towards a Manchester City Community Football Coaching course in connection with City in the Community.

Bardsley, who became a Project Officer at the Club in November, is also studying for a masters degree in Sports Directorship at the university, so began the session by talking to participants about their own studies.


A Q&A followed with Bardsley offering further advice on the different pathways into the football industry.

Of course, the conversation then turned towards Sunday’s showdown at the Etihad, with our former stopper offering free tickets to each of the students!

Bardsley said of the visit: “It is cool to have this opportunity and if there was a degree course like this when I was their age, I would have loved to have been on the course.

“I think it is good that there is that partnership between Manchester City, CITC and Manchester Metropolitan University. There is a pathway into the City in the Community programme, the top students will probably come out of this with a job so I think that is really great!

“They were all great kids with great with engaging questions. They were interested in knowing a bit more about coaching. It seems like they are grateful for the opportunity to be in a place like Manchester City and have that knowledge at their fingertips.”

Check out the best images from the event below...