Safe Spaces, Mexico City: Fútbol Matters

Safe Spaces, Mexico City: Fútbol Matters

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Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group and its partners, is split between six projects across the world.

Fútbol Matters is one of the new projects welcomed to the Cityzens Giving family this year, with a group of committed young leaders in Mexico City ready to use the power of football to make a difference in their local community.

Gustavo Madero, a municipality within the city, has one of the highest rates of crime and violence in the area.

Martin, 23, and other young leaders want to regenerate their local community by building a football pitch, learning valuable skills for their own employability and creating a safe space for young people to play football, connect and learn.

“As a group of young leaders, we want to create that something everyone can be proud of - a safe and inclusive place for the community,” he said.

“As well as giving us valuable skills, it will also help integrate young people into the community and support others to stay away from drugs and violence.”

This project is delivered in partnership with love.fútbol and Jóvenes Constructores de la Comunidad and will work with 400 young people.

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