Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.

Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.


With more than 36% of the population born overseas, Melbourne is a city with multiculturalism at its heart.

However, many young people experience a sense of loneliness and dislocation when they first arrive.

Wilson and other Young Leaders from the I Speak Football project are seeking to address this, through the promotion of social inclusion.

Using football as a force for good, they are reaching out to Melbourne’s youth and providing a safe space and an inclusive network where they will make friends.

In addition, I Speak Football also offers language and homework support that will help young people develop both in and outside of the classroom.

Twenty-two-year-old Wilson believes football is the perfect tool to engage with the city’s youngsters.

“Becoming a Young Leader helped me structure my life and made me be sure about what I really wanted,” he said.

“It showed me how powerful football is in society and also how it can help others.”

This project is delivered by Melbourne City in the Community.