Cityzens Giving is back and you have the power to decide how £400,000, donated by City Football Group its partners, is split between six community football projects across the world.


Cityzens Giving Spotlight: Kilifi

Kenya has the joint fourth-largest HIV epidemic in the world and adolescent girls and young women account for up to 21% of all new HIV infection.

Through the Moving the Goalposts project, Tibu and other Young Leaders are integrating HIV education into weekly football sessions to help create a safe and supportive space to discuss sensitive issues.

As a result, the girls will have a better understanding of how to reduce HIV infections, challenge important gender stereotypes in the community, and create a supportive network to develop relationships, knowledge and skills.  

“It is football that brings every girl together. The knowledge that they get really helps them and also their family and the community,” says Tibu, 18

“The project aims to create awareness of HIV information and it does this through football.

“We train young coaches and they go back and deliver the HIV message.

“There are some issues they cannot discus with their parents so the knowledge that they get really helps them, their families and the community.”

This project is delivered in partnership with Moving the Goalposts Kilifi and Tackle Africa.