An entertaining, hard fought battle as the 10-man Blues show grit and determination to earn a point against the Black Cats...

Brahim Diaz grabbed himself a brace for the Blues, who played the majority of the game with 10 men after Charlie Oliver was sent off in the opening minutes.

Despite that deficit, the young side were more than a match for the opposition and would have won the game if not for the crossbar, which denied Phil Foden in the dying minutes.

But for manager Simon Davies, there were plenty of positives to take from the result, not least of all how the players responded to going a man down.

“It was an uphill battle from that point,” he explained.

“But I’m pleased with the performance. We played with 10 men for 85 minutes and but for the crossbar, nearly won it with the very last kick. I thought the lads deserved it.