In Melbourne, the coronavirus crisis has had a significant impact on the most vulnerable and marginalised children and their families.

Before the pandemic, families in the most disadvantaged communities experienced food insecurity with reports indicating as many as one in five children in Australia start the school day without having eaten breakfast.

This has led to a greater number of young people being adversely affected by the pandemic, alongside the closure of schools and the difficult transition to remote learning.

With the launch of their Homework and Breakfast Clubs, City in the Community (CITC) Melbourne have been able to address these issues and bring back positivity through football sessions and educational support.

The clubs provide a safe environment for students to socialise, participate in physical activity as well as complete their schoolwork with the support from Young Leaders.

Over 150 participants are already benefiting, with interest and demand growing every day. This programme is playing an important role in getting young people back on track.


City in the Community Melbourne have teamed up with local charity SecondBite to provide fresh and nutritious food to the young people that attend the project. In addition, CITC Melbourne have also donated a proportion of the funds raised to date to SecondBite, which has provided over 150,000 meals to people in the community who are experiencing food insecurity.

George Halkias, City in the Community Melbourne, is proud of the impact the project is having already: “The programme wants kids happy and safe at school, reaching their potential and also staying healthy through physical activity and having access to some healthy food.

“City in the Community is playing its small but important role in helping bridge that gap for disadvantaged communities.”

To donate and support Cityzens Giving for Recovery in Melbourne, click HERE.

Cityzens Giving for Recovery is City Football Group’s campaign to help communities close to each of its clubs get back on their feet.

City Football Group are matching donations pound for pound up to a total of £500,000 matched against all donations received on or by 30 June. For more info, click HERE.