Ilkay Gundogan insists there is no magic formula behind his incredible scoring form.

The midfielder has scored nine goals in nine Premier League games in 2021, including four in his last two matches.

But while he was quick to stress that his part in the team goes beyond getting forward, Gundogan does consider that having more attacking freedom may have contributed to his purple patch.

“I don’t really know to be honest what made the difference, I just feel like I am playing in a more offensive role,” he revealed.

“Maybe my hunger to arrive in the right spaces increased compared to the other seasons, but also I just play this offensive role now.

“I just try to help my team as much as possible, but not just offensively also defensively I try to be there, I try to win duels, I try to block shots, just where I’m needed.”

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This season may well shape up to be one of our most memorable, but it will also unquestionably be remembered for the impact that COVID-19 has had on it.

And while Gundogan believes football as a whole is pulling in the same direction, he also highlighted the responsibility he and his teammates believe they have to entertain in these difficult times.

“My experience is that everyone is trying to deal with it as good as possible,” he added.

“Not just us as players but everyone around so that football can continue and we can bring joy into people’s living rooms.

“Them watching us, and us being privileged to continue to do our jobs.”

Hear Ilkay Gundogan in full, including his thoughts on our winning run, by watching the video above.