To mark Remembrance Day, Manchester City goalkeeper, Scott Carson, surprised a City in the Community (CITC) participant at their house.

Mark is a CITC Military Veteran participant, training at the City Football Academy on a Tuesday night with other local people who have gone through similar military and career experiences.

Sitting down over a cup of tea, Scott and Mark discussed his military career and what life was like when he first left the army in 2006.

“It was tough when I first left as you had to find something to do for yourself,” Mark said.

“You can choose a trade and they can try and retrain you, but it is hard, your mind is going and ticking around, you get used to the adrenaline from military situations.”

Mark shared some old memories and pictures with Scott as well as showing him some military memorabilia with him that he has kept from his career in the Royal Engineers, before telling Scott about his involvement in the CITC Military Veterans programme.

“The CITC programme helps massively though, as it enables you to find people who have had similar experiences to yourself,” he added.

“It’s a way of military veterans coming together and keeping fit.”

The City Vets programme was set up more than five years ago when Moving Forces contacted the charity, looking for a military programme that kept them active, as well as providing veterans with a form of socialising with people who have experienced similar things to them.

New veterans are always welcomed to the sessions on a Tuesday night 8pm-9pm at the City Football Academy indoor pitch.

City in the Community empowers healthier lives with city youth through football.

To find out more, visit or follow the charity on social media @CITCmancity.

Mark is also one of a handful of CITC Military Veterans who have also joined the Manchester Military Veterans.

Our Military Veterans Official Supporters Club was established in September 2023, and already have 218 members from across the UK.

For more information about the Military Veterans OSC email