The Club’s charity, City in the Community (CITC), has launched a new video series, ‘We Are City in the Community’.

Each month CITC will spotlight its work and programmes through the voices and stories of its participants across Manchester.

The first video see’s Anne and Arthur from dementia programme, ReminisCITY, sit down and discuss why they attend the sessions and the benefits they get from them.

ReminisCITY was launched to create a dementia safe environment for participants to enjoy social and physical activity, through the power of football and Manchester City, to promote active and engaged lifestyles in the face of the challenge’s dementia can bring.

Anne and Arthur are regular attendee’s to ReminisCITY sessions.

Since being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s , Arthur said: “I can’t remember things as well as I could, but I think sessions like this are very helpful.”

ReminisCITY is a key offering as part of CITC’s Healthy People provision, which puts physical and mental wellbeing at the centre of its programmes.

Activities include social elements, where participants can relive and discuss classic Manchester City moments, as well as physical activity such as stadium walks and arts and crafts.

Keep an eye out next month for another We are City in the Community video.

City in the Community, Manchester City’s charity, moves with city youth to empower healthier lives through football.

To find out more visit, or follow @citcmancity on social media.

For more information on Alzheimer’s visit: