Holocaust survivor Mala Tribich MBE was a special visitor at the CFA earlier this week where she shared her powerful story with Manchester City’s Under-14, 15, 16 and 18 teams along with Club staff me

Mala’s visit was arranged in conjunction with the Holocaust Education Trust, who are working with the Premier League as part of their education initiatives.

Earlier this year, in January, our Academy teams marked Holocaust Memorial Day and Mala’s visit – part of the Holocaust Education Trust’s Outreach programme - was a further extension of that important element of their syllabus.

Through the Outreach programme, the Trust arranges for Holocaust survivors to visit schools and establishments to deliver their personal testimony and for trained Holocaust educators to lead workshop sessions.

HISTORY LESSON : The City youngsters and staff members listen to Mala's moving words
HISTORY LESSON : The City youngsters and staff members listen to Mala's moving words

Survivor testimony forms a key component of effective Holocaust education by putting a human face to history and enabling students to explore its lessons in depth.

Born in Poland in 1930, Mala shared her powerful, moving, personal story during her time spent with the City youngsters.

She spoke about her time spent in a ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War Two after the invasion of her country and subsequent incarceration in both the Ravensbrück and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps

VISIT : Mala's visit was arranged in conjunction with the Holocaust Education Trust
VISIT : Mala's visit was arranged in conjunction with the Holocaust Education Trust

Eventually liberated by the British army in 1945, Mala then spent time in Sweden before then moving to England in 1947 where was reunited with her brother Ben – the sole other surviving member of her immediate family.

Karen Pollock MBE, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said: “We are delighted to be working with Manchester City Football Club to give their Under-14, 16 and 18 Academy teams the opportunity to hear from a Holocaust survivor.

“Mala Tribich’s incredible story will hopefully be something that will always stay with them as they embark on their careers, and an educational lesson they will never forget.”

You can read Mala’s full story here: https://www.het.org.uk/survivors-mala-tribich