City in the Community is celebrating its kind-hearted participants this Giving Tuesday, who gave back to Children in Need through their ‘Move around the Blue Moon’ step challenge.

Participants were challenged to collectively cover the circumference of the (blue!) moon, calculated in steps.

Participants from across the programme would need to reach a total of 15,180,190 steps, across 15 days, from the 6th to the 20th of November.

Throughout the 15 days, members from across all programmes in various communities across Greater Manchester shared their step counts daily to contribute to the challenge.

To ensure everyone could contribute, anyone with a physical barrier would be able to buddy up with a family member to calculate their steps.

Successfully exceeding their target steps, participants also raised £200 for Children in Need.

In total, 152 participants from across CITC’s City Kicks, One City – Disability and City Girls took part in the challenge, with help from some of the Walking Footballers, 93:20 Volunteers and Young Leaders, which is an incredible collective effort.

The participants showed enthusiasm and commitment to social action and the difference they can make.

One City participant, Humza, had previously completed a step challenge during lockdown, therefore this challenge gave him the opportunity to achieve something with his friends from the sessions.

Kicks Falinge participant, Issac Caffrey, came out with the highest daily step count with a staggering 38,503 in just one day.

One City Disability programme, gathering a collective 2,693,086 steps across the 15 days.

Lewis Docherty, who attends our session at HideOut Youth Zone, was also a big stepper, accumulating 295,578 across 13 recorded days.

Community Outreach Officer for Kicks, Laura Wilson, said:
“It was great to see so many people get involved in such an amazing challenge.

“The participants were excited about competing and doing their best to contribute to the challenge.

“It is such a big achievement that they participants have been able to achieve and a fantastic thing for them to be a part of and discuss in years to come.

“Our main aim was to reach 15,180,190 steps but to exceed the total required was an even bigger achievement.”

Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving

Giving Tuesday is a day where everyone, everywhere can do something to support the good causes that mean so much to them.

You can volunteer your time; donate money; share your skills; campaign for something; donate goods, food, or clothes; organise a community event such as a street or park clean-up or a coffee morning. The list really is endless.

It is a day to give back by supporting a cause close to your heart or doing something good for your local community or someone in need.

Find out more here: