Today we are taking part in the Climate Coalition’s #ShowTheLove campaign to highlight the work we are doing at Manchester City to take climate action across City Football Academy and at the Etihad Stadium as part of our wider sustainability work.

City Football Academy overview:

• City Football Academy has reached the highest possible environmental standards – the gold standard under L.E.E.D. guidelines. Low carbon, low water and low waste measures are employed to minimise impact on the environment and encourage local biodiversity.

• Before construction began, extensive work was undertaken to clean soil which had suffered from decades of pollution.

• Through the creation of extensive wildlife corridors, our land is now home to various types of moths, butterflies and bats, whilst 2000 mature trees and 5km of hedgerow provide cover and nesting places for various birds, including kestrels.


• Water recycling systems are in place to use rainwater and rainwater is harvested. We have recorded an 83% reduction in mains sourced water from the Club’s training ground.

• By using the latest technology, each hectare of the City Football Academy’s turfgrass absorbs 6.5-8.5 tonnes of C02.

• Combined heat and power systems have been incorporated into the Club’s energy centre to help maximise our heat, cooling and energy efficiency.

Etihad Stadium overview:

• 5,272 LED lamps has helped reduce energy use in the stadium by nearly 1 million kilowatt hours (kWh).

• The Club has a managed waste system which means that zero waste is sent to landfill.

• Plant based and low carbon food including vegan burgers, pasties and loaded corn are available stadium wide.

• We continue to work with a number of local producers to supply our stadium and training ground reducing food miles.

• A reusable beer cup scheme has been introduced at the Etihad Stadium. Capable of being used 100 times, the cups can also be fully recycled at the end of their life.

• As a result of this initiative, an average of 29,000 single use plastic cups are removed on each matchday, which would equate to a total of 800,000 a season when the stadium is at full capacity.

• In stadium changes include the removal of all plastic straws, sauce sachets, knives, forks and spoons, whilst Joe’s - one of our matchday bars - has become the first area within the Etihad Stadium to be completely free of single use plastics.

• Plastic has been entirely removed from the Academy building that houses our youth team players and staff.

• Manchester City procures 100% renewable electricity under a Power Purchase Agreement.