Manchester City supports Pride.

Every year throughout June, the world comes together in celebration of Pride Month, honouring the LGBTQ+ community.

To mark the occasion, we asked players from our men’s and women’s teams why it is important for people across the globe to join together in support of Pride Month.

City and England captain Steph Houghton MBE – a strong advocate for positive social change – highlighted the importance of togetherness and unity, as we fight to make the world a better place for all.


“It’s important for people to support Pride Month because we’re all equal,” she declared.

“We all have to stay together and we’ve got to make sure that no matter what has come before us, there’s no discrimination involved in this world.

“I’m so happy that we’re able to support it.”

Echoing the sentiments, PFA Player of the Year Kevin De Bruyne spoke of his own family experiences.

“Everybody’s the same,” De Bruyne agreed. “It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight or whatever.

“I have family members who are gay and I’m totally fine with it – there’s no issue.

“Everybody’s the same.”

Nathan Ake asserted people should focus on what unites us all: our humanity.

“It’s very important for everyone to show there’s no differences in anything in the world,” he stated.

“Everyone is human, everyone is the same and everyone should support each other.”

Janine Beckie added she feels proud that the world is becoming more inclusive, although there is still a long way to go to achieve equality in diversity.


“It’s important for people to show support for other people choosing to live their life the way that they want to live,” Beckie said.

“The amazing thing about the world that we live in is that we all get a choice and to support one another in that is an incredibly important thing.”

Laura Coombs agreed love should have no restrictions.

“It’s so important to celebrate Pride Month,” she proclaimed.

“Everyone deserves to be loved and love whoever they want.

“It’s really important that everyone gets behind this cause.”