The Bolton branch of our Official Supporters Club is celebrating a notable milestone this year with 2020 marking its 40th anniversary.

First founded in 1973 by a small group of friends who used to travel to our home games at Maine Road, the Bolton branch grew from its initial modest origins and was affiliated into the official Manchester City Supporters Club in 1980.

The branch has since had several different homes, including the King William pub in Egerton and later the Beaumont Arms in Ladybridge, Bolton before moving to its current home, Horwich RMI Club on Chorley New Road.

In the past few years, the branch has hosted the Official Supporters Club Roadshow as well as celebrating our Fourmidables campaign when the four trophies our men’s side won in 2018/19 were on display.

Reflecting on the Bolton’s branch’s long and proud history, chairman Tony Acheson said: “Although there have been many changes of personnel at member, and committee level, the Bolton branch’s longest serving members were Sandra, and Terry Almond, who were there at our 1973 inception.


“Sandra was the branch secretary, from 1975, until her untimely death in 2019, after a short illness, Terry was also treasurer of the branch for a number of years and is still active and our longest serving member.

“We have a very proactive current committee and I am ably supported by Rick Taylor, the branch secretary, and Debbie Worthington, the branch treasurer.

“We also have a communications officer in the shape of Katie Gradwell, who handles the Facebook page for the branch, and keeps members updated with important information, regarding meetings, guest speakers, and special occasions.

“We have also been very lucky to have had some great guest speakers at the branch over the years.

“They have included Ken & Peter Barnes, Dennis Tueart, Rodney Marsh, Tommy Booth, Joe Corrigan, Gary Owen, (who is our current Honorary Branch President), Alex Williams, Tony Book, Mike Summerbee, Andy Morrison Paul Lake, and very recently Jess Park, who recently helped our Women’s side to our FA Cup final success over Everton at Wembley.”

“We are also indebted to the support of the Official Supporters Club Committee, led by Kevin Parker, who have always tried to help us promote the branch, and gain us maximum exposure, to attract new members.

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“We are privileged to be part of a large Manchester City family, who not only support us, but offer opportunities for the various branches to grow, and we are very grateful, for their continued support.”

To find out more about Manchester City’s Bolton Official Supporters Club, or your local supporters club, visit