During February half term Manchester City’s PL4S programme joined up with the Club’s One City disability programme to create opportunities for young disabled people in Manchester.

The children had expert coaching in both badminton and table tennis which without the support of PL4S (funded by the Premier League) and One City disability (funded by PL/PFA community fund) would not have been possible.

Some of the children present had never had the opportunity to take part in these sports before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Several commented that they would be keen to attend the satellite sessions running throughout Manchester to continue their development within the sport.

Both programme coordinators, Lee Mannion and Daniel Landstrom agreed that the event was a huge success and will be looking to continue to work together to provide more opportunities for young disabled people looking to play different sports.

Daniel said: “all the young people engaged in the activities and learnt skills that they hadn’t attempted before. Some of the participants also showed lots of potential and high levels of skill as well as having fantastic day.”