Patrick Vieira has praised the decision to bring many of the Blues Elite development squad on the tour to the United States.

There is almost a full team of youngsters on the trip all of whom are likely to see action over the course of the five outings beginning in Portland in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Ask any of them if they have been warmly welcomed into the fold and who has helped them more than most and they will all quickly offer the name of World Cup, European Championship and Premier League winner Vieira.

And the Frenchman is happy to continue his twin role of impressing Roberto Mancini enough to get into the team and acting as an information point for the starlets.

“It shows the quality of the young players that the manager has brought them all this way,” he declared.

He has taken them on this tour because he thinks that they can deliver. It is a pretty good thing for the club because they are the future

...Patrick Vieira


“Being around top class players is really important for them, they will be learning a lot from the experience for the future.

“They have all been accepted quickly into the group and tours like this one are good for everyone to get to know one another and that is vital because it will help further down the line as the season progresses.

“I feel it is part of my role to help the younger players should they come for advice. All the senior players have shown them that they can talk to us and believe in us and if they have any problems they can come and seek advice.

“I think that the spirit in the camp is good the young players all feel comfortable and have all impressed in training.”