No, it’s not the start of the 1970s romantic TV show Fantasy Island - it's just coincidence that Adam Johnson is shouting, “Boss! The plane!” as the players head for the Etihad Airbus 340.


 Next up were the Balkan Brothers, Aleks Kolarov and Edin Dzeko, determined to get a good seat in time for the in-flight movie Battle: Los Angeles ...


 Trailing at the back was Yaya Toure, but as he gathered momentum he stormed through his team-mates and on to the plane first – a bit like a matchday for Yaya, then ...


 Once on board the lads settled into their allotted seats in first class – how else would you expect the FA Cup winners to travel? – as the plane gradually filled in preparation for the flight ...


Finally, the shout went up, “All aboard?” “Aye, aye captain!” Came the reply – even though it wasn’t Vincent Kompany who asked the question. Seat belts clicked, safety video played and it was time for take-off ...


Resident on-pitch magician David Silva has a quick game of Angry Bird on his iPhone to keep himself entertained as the plane taxis down the runway ...


 That just leaves one final image we just had to get – the legend that is kit manager Les Chapman, replete with a massive bag of duty free chocolates. Now if there’s one person who doesn’t need a sugar rush, it’s Chappy ...

USA, here we come!