Chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak has told City fans - "the heart and soul of the club" - that they can look forward to enjoying the good times they deserve for their staunch support through the lean years.

The Blues supremo was moved and thrilled by the electric atmosphere at the UEFA Cup quarter-final home leg against Hamburg last month and is keen to bring European football back as soon as possible.

Khaldoon said: “The fans are the heart and soul of this club - we have some great fans, that’s one of the gems at this club and one of the things that I have found most satisfying.

“They have stuck with the club through hard times and good times. There have been hard times this year and I appreciated their support. It will be rewarded in the years to come.

“I’ll never forget the Hamburg game, that was an incredible showing by our fans. We gave our hearts out to the players that night. It leaves a hunger to go back. We want that again, and I think we’ll get it.”

The Chairman admits he is already “very excited” about next season - and happy to get this one over with, even though each promise made to the supporters last September has been fulfilled.

He said: “I always knew this was going to be a difficult season, there were no illusions in my mind. It was even more difficult than I had anticipated, but I never thought it was going to be a walk in the park.

“There were high expectations but the reality is that this was a club that was eighth in the table. I’m proud because it was very clear in my mind what needed to be done, and we’ve done it.

“We said we would have a first season of learning and building on and off the field, and that is what we have done. We said we would build a club for the future, and we have done that.

“We said we would build and invest in the management side of the company, and we have done that, and we said we would stick with the manager, and we have done that too.
“We also said we were going to bring in as much quality as we could on the playing side in January, and we did that with Shay Given, Wayne Bridge, Nigel de Jong and Craig Bellamy.”