Mario Balotelli has admitted that the lure of working once more with Roberto Mancini clinched his sensational move from Inter Milan to City of Manchester Stadium.

The 20-year-old striker nicknamed “Super Mario” in Serie A sat alongside City manager Mancini as he was unveiled to a packed Carrington Press conference swelled by a large Ialian contingent.

And Balotelli left nobody in any doubt as to the importance of his mentor’s presence as sorcerer and apprentice prepare to rekindle the partnership that rocketed Mario into the Serie A headlines.

Balotelli, who had other offers, said: “It was very important that Roberto Mancini is the manager here. It was one of the most important factors in my move - if he wasn’t here, I probably wouldn’t have come.

“He gave me my start in the senior team at Inter and he showed faith in me. I was sorry to leave my family and friends in Italy, but I’m very happy to be here at City from a professional point of view.

I had a lot of teams in for me in the summer, but my first choice was always Manchester City



“I told my agent that. The reason is the manager and the good professional environment at the club.”

Balotelli, who got into a few scrapes as a youngster at Inter, had an uneasy relationship with controversial boss Jose Mourinho but shrugged: “I am not a bad boy, I am just a normal guy.”

And Mario, already dubbed “The Hammer” by team-mates who have witnessing his finishing power, is confident of making a real impact. He said: “It’s true I shoot quite well! I will fit in the Premier League. For a striker, it’s a good league.”