Gareth Barry has saluted James Milner's instant impact against Liverpool and reckons his former Aston Villa team-mate will be sparking City celebrations all season.

Barry’s classy opener in Monday night’s 3-0 victory was set up by debutant Milner’s perfect cross, and the goal had “made in England” stamped on it with Adam Johnson feeding the Yorkshireman with a cheeky pass.

Roberto Mancini’s sixth signing of the summer turned in a typically industrious performance and Gareth promises Blues fans they will see plenty of action-packed repeats in the years to come.

Former Villa skipper Barry said: “James gave everything I was expecting from him - his work-rate was top class from start to finish, he gets forward to create chances, and he created my goal.

“At the end of the season you’ll see that he will be right up there in terms of assists, and he’s bound to chip in with a few goals himself as well.”

Victory over Liverpool was City’s first since Kiki Musampa struck in the dying seconds back in April 2005, but it was the nature of the performance that had Gareth purring.

He said: “I thought it was very good from start to finish. We controlled most of the game and won most of the 50-50s.

It was everything you could want from your first home game - and it got the fans on their feet too!



But Monday’s man of the match is warning that City’s fine start to the Barclays Premier League campaign is merely the first step on a long, hard road that won’t end until May.

He said: “There were times last season where you could see it was taking time to come together, and there will be spells this season where things won’t go to plan like they did against Liverpool.

“The manager had us nicely organised, everyone knew their jobs, and we stuck together. But we know it won’t happen overnight, you have to build up gradually. Liverpool showed a bit of what we have to be doing week in, week out.”