There's something special about Europe, whether you're home or away, and there's definitely something in the air - apart from the traditional Manc drizzle - as the lads prepare to take on Aris. Shaz makes sure she gets the shots that matter ...

First things first: the morning Press conference, and Roberto has taken Gareth Barry with him so the pack can sing Happy Birthday on his 30th. It hasn’t gone well. “I am so sorry about the cake, Gareth,” says Roberto. “Nobody told me you didn’t like marzipan.” Gareth takes a diplomatic swig of water to get the taste out of his mouth and says nothing. It can only get better ...

 After the aris presser

At least, you’d think so, but that rain isn’t going to let up. Jamie Butler and Andy Welsh have taken one look at that sky over Bill’s mother’s and bagged the best shelter before the lads are even changed and out. The doc is particularly happy: that orange bag is where they keep all the orange-flavoured energy drinks, his favourite ...

doc and Andy welsh shelter from the rain

They’ve been spotted, though. Adam Johnson loves his orange drinks, and he’s sussed that he’ll miss out later on, so he’s stoking up now. But he’s dropped a clanger here, trying to dunk his toast. That’s what you get with rushing, AJ. You’ll have to fish that out before it gets too soggy ...

adam has a snack before rehab 

Ha, you think a bit of rain bothers me, lads? Mario knew what the weather was going to be like this week, and prepared accordingly. That super-cool haircut is actually an exact copy of Pirelli Grand Prix wet weather tyres. Bring it on ...

Mario aris pre training

The lads have a lovely surprise when they get back in. Grandma’s here! Social media tyro and style guru Chris Nield is taking her up to the canteen for a cuppa and a digestive: she’s due to give AJ a quick dunking lesson. But when she hears the sound of incoming boot studs on tile floors, there’s no stopping her. Right, who wants a Werther’s Original ? 

Whats Grandma doing at carrington