Aleks Kolarov reflects on his City career and 'a sad day' as he leaves the Blues after seven years...

Aleksandar Kolarov has joined Roma almost seven years to the day he became a City player.

The Serbian spent seven years at the Etihad Stadium, a period that saw the Club win two Premier League titles, an FA Cup and two League Cups. 

Here, he looks back on his time with City and admits he never expected to stay with the Blues for so long...

“When I came in 2010, honestly, I didn’t expect to play so long,” he said. “Today is the day I have to say goodbye. Everything was quick the last couple of days. For me, it’s a very sad day.

“In every part of the Club we have improved not 100 per cent but 200 per cent. Now we are a far better Club than what we were when I came. I am proud that I was part of making City the Club that it is.

“For me it was a great pleasure to play for this shirt.”

Watch the full interview via the video above!