City in the Community’s new ‘Reminicity’ programme has come to the end of its six-week pilot scheme.

The programme aims to engage and support people living within Manchester, who suffer from mild to moderate forms of dementia.

Reminicity was launched to create a dementia safe environment for participants to enjoy social and physical activity, through the conduit of football and Manchester City, promoting active and engaged lifestyles in the face of the challenge’s dementia can bring.

Six weeks of sessions have taken place in and around the Etihad Stadium and Campus, where they socialised with other people in similar situations, building new relationships and bonds, whilst reliving and share memories of Manchester City.

Other activities have included visits from Mike Summerbee and Alex Williams, music week and a stadium tour.

Commenting on the programme, Community Outreach Officer, Sean Dwyer said: “The last six weeks have been great, we’ve had some amazing times, and everyone seems to have enjoyed it.

“If the programme helps a little, both while they are here and at home, even just a little we are starting to achieve what are aim was with this programme.”

Each session made full use of the Etihad Stadium Sensory Room, with participants able to experience the benefits of innovative sensory technology.

One Reminicity participant discussed how it has helped her learn and hear stories from her husband that she had never heard before.

She said: “It has helped him remember stories that he hasn’t shared before. It was amazing to hear the stories from him.

“It has also been a great social experience for us both, we have been able to meet new people, share stories from our lives and discuss similar situations that we are currently facing, helping one and another through talking.”

The programme will continue past the six weeks, with new participants welcomed and encouraged to come join the group and get involved in Reminicity’s activities.

Reminicity forms a key new offering, as part of CITC’s wider One City Disability outreach programme, using football to improve and enrich lives and communities in Manchester.

One City Disability provides opportunity for participants to take part in free football and sporting provision relevant to their specific disability, ensuring that participants across Greater Manchester have access to disability specific provision and education.