The Club’s charity, City in the Community (CITC) marked Safer Internet Day on Tuesday February 7, by hosting its first live broadcast.

The broadcast made up part of CITC’s Digital Awareness week which aims to raise awareness of being safe online and encourage positive conversations about the digital space.

For the first time, CITC broadcast live from the City Football Academy, as part of a special online Safer Internet Day workshop, ran by CITC’s Safeguarding Manager, Deborah Glynn.

Over 90 schools dialled into the broadcast to learn all about how to be safe online.

Commenting on the broadcast,  Deborah Glynn said: “It was brilliant to access the studio and reach out to so many primary school pupils to help raise awareness and reassure them about the internet.

“With this year’s theme being about talking about the internet, it was the perfect opportunity to do just that – talk. We got some really interesting questions sent into the broadcast and we were really pleased we could answer them and support the pupils.”

Watch THE video above

Safer Internet Day is an annual global campaign that links into CITC’s own Digital Awareness Week, both encapsulating the message of how to stay safe online, whilst having fun.

Each year a new theme or issue is explored which impacts on the lives of young people.

This year’s theme highlights the importance of talking about life online and putting children’s and young people’s voices at the forefront and encouraging them to help shape online safety and the support they receive.

The digital world offers a wide range of opportunities for communication, education, and entertainment for us all.

However, interaction with the digital world is starting much earlier and young people are shaping the interactive entertainment spaces.

CITC celebrates and embraces this yet feel that it is important to educate and help raise awareness of safety within the digital world.

#SpeakUpSpeakOut #BeAnInternetChampion