Aymeric Laporte has pin-pointed City’s own iron-clad mentality and mindset as being the key factors in our memorable 2021/22 Premier League title triumph.

Once again, Pep Guardiola’s side proved they could blend character alongside our undoubted class as we staged the most incredible of comebacks to beat Aston Villa 3-2 at a spellbound Etihad.

Needing a win to secure the title, City’s task looked ominous indeed when Villa went 2-0 ahead with just 19 minutes left on the clock.

However, in a remarkable denouement, City scored three goals inside five and a half minutes to turn the game on its head and so clinch the league crown.


And, reflecting on what was our fourth Premier League title in five years, Laporte believes the squad’s mindset and unquenchable thirst for success were defining factors.

“We knew we had to win this game, so at 2-0 down it was very hard in our minds, but we pushed, pushed, pushed and in the end we solved it,” Laporte declared.

“There are 38 games and it’s very difficult to play so many games and win most of them.

“Again, to win 93 points is something unbelievable.

“During the year we are proving that people can trust us because we play amazing football and we will try to win next year again and again and again – this is our mentality - we have to win everything.

“This one (title) may be the most difficult I’ve played.


“The game was unbelievable and to think the end would be like that after being 2-0 down… but we worked hard, and at the end we have done something unbelievable.

“I’m so happy for the Club, the fans, my family and everyone who supports me.

“We are showing we are one of the best teams in Europe right now – we just have to win more trophies and the one we are waiting for is obviously the Champions League.”

Sunday’s victory also marked a fitting farewell for Club captain Fernandinho who played his last game for the City after nine years’ magnificent service.

For his part, Laporte paid handsome tribute to the support and guidance he had been afforded by the Brazilian.

“I don’t like to say goodbye to a player as I’m a little bit sentimental but I’m so happy for what he has done in the club,” Laporte reflected.


“He has helped us a lot during the last few years. He has helped me also in the dressing room and off and off the pitch.

Fernandinho deserves everything.

“Congratulations to him for the trophies he has won here at City and I hope everything good for him for the future.”