06 Aug 2014

  1. city live

    City Live quiz: Be part of it

    Club News

25 Jul 2014

  1. city live

    City Live quiz: Send us your dizzy penalties!

    Club News

23 Jul 2014

  1. city live

    City Live quiz: Be part of it

    Club News
  2. city live

    City Live: Win the chance to present an award

    Club News

22 Jul 2014

  1. city live

    City Live: Heineken named Official Beer of 2014/15 launch party

    Club News

18 Jul 2014

  1. marr

    Johnny Marr to headline City Live

    Club News

11 Jul 2014


    EDS Player of the Year: Vote Now!

    EDS & Academy

10 Jul 2014

  1. EDS Player of the Year: Marcos Lopes

    EDS Player of the Year: Marcos Lopes

    EDS & Academy

09 Jul 2014

  1. johnny marr

    City Live: Johnny Marr interview

    9:21 Interviews
  2. Denayer

    EDS Player of the Year Nominee: Jason Denayer

    EDS & Academy

